National Park Railway (U 28)

The U 28 national park railway connects the two national park regions of Saxon and Bohemian Switzerland. It
travels from Děčín, via Bad Schandau, Sebnitz, Dolní Poustevna and Mikulášovice dolní nádr. to Rumburk.

The cross-border line thus provides access to destinations in the Elbe Valley, the Sebnitz Valley and the so-called Schluckenauer Zipfel.

Streckengrafik Nationalparkbahn


The National Park train (U 28) runs every 2 hours from Děčín via Bad Schandau, Sebnitz, Dolní Poustevna and Mikulášovice dolní nádraží to Rumburk. 

There are nine pairs of trains on weekdays and eight on weekends and public holidays.

During the holiday season from the end of March to October, the motor coaches of the T 2 tourist rail route complete the travel options on weekends (daily in July and August), thereby opening up the Bohemian National Park region between Mikulášovice, Panský and Krásná Lípa.

Mikulášovice dolní nádraží offers connections in every direction. In the winter season, bus route 409 provides alternative travel options to T 2. 

The National Park train is well connected:

  • to the urban railway S1 and buses at the National Park railway station Bad Schandau,
  • the trains of the RB 71 in Sebnitz,
  • to the tourist route T 2 in Mikulášovice dolní nádraží,
  • to the trains of ČD in Děčín and Rumburk as well as
  • to the regional buses of the DÚK in Velký Šenov, Rumburk and Děčín



Different fares apply on the National Park train U 28 depending on the connection.

The VVO tariff applies between stations in the VVO region. If you travel further to the Czech Republic, the regional tariff Schluckenau-Elbe (U 28) applies in addition to the Elbe-Labe tickets or the Sachsen-Böhmen ticket (DB offer).



VVO tariff

between stations in the VVO Region

Example: Dresden – Bad Schandau – Sebnitz

Elbe-Labe ticket
VVO network Region
Ústí nad Labem district

Station in VVO region and station in Ústecký Kraj

Example: Meißen – Děčín

Regional tariff Schluckenau- Elbe
U 28 fare

Station of the U 28 in Germany and station of the U 28 in the Czech Republic, condition: cross-border trip.

Example: Porschdorf - Šluknov

Ticket prices:

Single trip (PDF, 91 KB)

Bike and dog PDF, 89 KB)

7-day ticket (PDF, 91 KB)

30-day ticket (PDF, 91 KB)

90-day ticket (PDF, 92 KB)

DÚK tariff between stations in Ústecký Kraj

Example.: Dolní Poustevna – Jedlova

National Tariff
in Germany (DB)

Any station outside the VVO in Germany – station on the U 28 in the VVO

Example: Freiberg – Sebnitz

National tariff in the Czech Republic (ČD) between stations in the Czech Republic

Example: Dolní Poustevna – Liberec

International train fares, Saxony-Böhmen ticket

Any station outside the VVO in Germany – any station of the U 28 in the Czech Republic

Example: Leipzig – Děčín


From 2014: Linking Sebnitz and Dolní Poustevna

In June 1905, a train service was started between Sebnitz and Nieder-Einsiedel in what was then Austria/Hungary. The important regional connection existed until 1945. In the post-war years, train transport was stopped and the tracks dismantled. Since 1990, citizens on both sides of the border have worked to close the gap in the rail network and resume train transport.

 The gap was officially closed on 4 July 2014. From 5 July 2014, the National Park Railway U 28 resumed operations.

Bildvorschau Broschüre Streckenfest

Find out about the Nationalparkbahn (U28) ...

... in our brochure “With the U 28 to Děčín and Rumburk”.

It explains all about the Nationalparkbahn, which runs every 2 hours between Děčín – Bad Schandau – Sebnitz – Rumburk. There is an easy-to-use map for guidance, and it shows the prices so you can find the right ticket for you.