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Die Suche ergab 3 Treffer.
VVO Fachtagung Programm 2018
… Lösungen für den Nahverkehr Tom Friderich, Head of Business Development moovel Group GmbH 15.15 Uhr Autonomes Fahren Peter Schneck, Chief Executive Offi cer (CEO) Trapeze Group Switzerland GmbH 16.00…
VVO Kleingedrucktes Anlage 7 Preistabelle englisch
…Offers in the Tickets in the V VO transport executive Oberelbe Valid from 1. January 2025 all prices in EUR, 2 nd class * VALIDITY SINGLE TICKETS 1 2 1 fare zone (outside Dresden), 2,00 3,00 Single ticket max. 1 hour 2 fare zone Dresden, max. 1 hour 2,10 3,20 2 2 fare zones, max. 1,5 hours 3,90 5,70 2 3 fare zones, max. 2 hours 5,80 8,60 2 VVO region, max. 4 hours 7,80 11,40 short trip 7,50…
VVO Broschuere VVO Tarif englisch
…Offers in the Valid from 1. April 2024 transport executive Tickets in the V VO Oberelbe Valid from 1. April 2024 THE PARTNERS IN THE VVO all prices in EUR, 2 nd class * VALIDITY SINGLE TICKETS DB Regio AG (DB Regio AG) 1 2 1 fare zone (outside Dresden), TICKETS BE WELL INFORMED 2,00 3,00 Single ticket Regio Nordost, Babelsberger Straße 18, 14473 Potsdam max. 1 hour 2 fare zone Dresden, max. 1…
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