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Die Suche ergab 3 Treffer.
VVO-Fachtagung 2017
…, Geschäftsführer Verkehrsverbund Vogtland GmbH „RuterBillett – a simple journey today and in the future“ (PDF, 3,7 MB) Christian Fjaer, Ruter As – Oslo, Manager new sales channels and payments…, Christian Fjaer , Ruter As – Oslo, Manager new sales channels and payments, Maik Klotz , Consultant KI-Finance GmbH, Bernd Sablotny , Abteilungsleiter Verkehr im Sächsischen Ministerium für Wirtschaft…
VVO Fachtagung Programm 2017
… future Christian Fjaer, Ruter As – Oslo, Manager new sales channels and payments 15.15 Uhr Monthly mobility with Whim app Jonna Pöllänen, Collaboration Manager, MaaS Global Ltd 15.45 Uhr Der Fernbus…
VVO Fachtagung 2017 Vortrag Christian Fjaer RuterAS
…VVO Dresden May 4th 2017 Christian Fjaer – Ruter As – Oslo Manager new sales channels and payments Ruter and RuterBillett Our mobile ticket app Ruter As - PTA for the Norwegian Capital Region Norway… 47 20 35 30 25 10 0 % 3 0 2013 2016 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017E Distribution by sales channels Number of ticket sales last 3 years RuterBillett vs RFID Cards timeline prognosis 90,0 % 80,0…
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