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Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer.
6.VVO Fachtagung 2018 Michael Fischer Moia
… ANSATZ. 5,5 5,5 3,7 3,7 1,3 1,3 2,1 2,1 C USTOM ER FLEET OPER ATION & V EHIC LE INTER FAC E A LGOR ITHM S 7,1 7,1 7,9 7,9 14 15,3 5,6 4,8 0,4 0,4 4,8 5,6 15,3 15,3 5,6 4,8 0,4 0,4 4,8 5,6 15,3 MOIA…
VVO Kleingedrucktes Anlage 7 Preistabelle englisch
… only valid with customer card 10 valid for pupils of general schools and vocational schools without dual training as well as participants in voluntary services 11 can also be used for a bike trailer or…
VVO Broschuere VVO Tarif englisch
… 13 VVO region 211,00 Customer card Telefon +49 35207 89290 1,3 9 13 1 fare zone (outside Dresden) 41,20 54,10 Monthly subscription ticket 9 13 Internet fare zone Dresden 50,30 66,90 for the calendar month The customer card is available from all transport companies. 3 9 13 2 adjacent fare zones 74,00 98,50 3 9 13 + all bordering zones trilex – ein Angebot der Länderbahn (trilex) 1…
VVO Fachtagung 2017 Vortrag Christian Fjaer RuterAS
… (customer database PCI DSS) - Siebel CRM customer service 12 Direct Payment Mobile operator Payment Service Provider $ Acquiring Bank Bank International payment network RuterBillett Payment apps $ Issuing Bank Customers bank relation Bank New payment players - disruption Why not mobile? • Do not own a smartphone • Fear of empty battery • Product sharing • Satisfied with travel card Foto: Rolf Ohman…
VVO Fachtagung 2017 Vortrag Jonna Poellaenen MaaS Global Ltd
… subscription or pay-as-you-go FROM SO MANY APPS FOR ONE MODE TO ONE APP FOR ANY MODE SIMPLE AND EASY CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Everything’s set at a press of a button The core of everything is the easy and simple service experience. The goal is to make every day life easier for our customers: saving time, money and nerves. Roaming MaaS ecosystem Customer End-user Your personal • Customer choice Mobility as a…
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