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Die Suche ergab 4 Treffer.
VVO Kleingedrucktes Anlage 7 Preistabelle englisch
… from validation; 3 13 + all bordering zones 159,70 1 fare zone not Mo - Fr 4 am - 9 am 13 VVO region 211,00 1,3 9 13 (outside Dresden) 54,10 1 fare zone 41,20 ticket Monthly subscription 9 13 fare zone… Dresden) 47,60 9 o‘clock monthly 13 fare zone Dresden 57,80 subscription ticket 3 13 2 adjacent fare zones 86,00 for the calendar month; 3 13 + all bordering zones 1 fare zone 128,80 not Mo - Fr 4 am - 9…
VVO Broschuere VVO Tarif englisch
… ticket. If you are a holder of 3 8 1,20 weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm 1 fare zone per person Group ticket for pupils 3 2 fare zones per person 2,40 a monthly ticket or a monthly subscription ticket, you… 13 VVO region 211,00 Customer card Telefon +49 35207 89290 1,3 9 13 1 fare zone (outside Dresden) 41,20 54,10 Monthly subscription ticket 9 13 Internet fare zone Dresden 50,30 66,90…
VVO Fachtagung 2017 Vortrag Jonna Poellaenen MaaS Global Ltd
… AND TICKETING Monthly subscription for all transportation User can buy mobility packages with monthly fee. Payment and ticketing will handled in the background. Tickets will be gathered into same… subscription or pay-as-you-go FROM SO MANY APPS FOR ONE MODE TO ONE APP FOR ANY MODE SIMPLE AND EASY CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Everything’s set at a press of a button The core of everything is the easy and simple…
VVO Broschuere VVO Tarif tschechisch
… SUBSCRIPTION TICKET jsou přenosné, zlevněné jízdenky jsou nepřenosné a platí společně s platnou zákaznickou kartou Týdenní jízdenka platí po dobu sedmi dnů včetně dne jejího označení. Měsíční jízdenka…
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